Lab Members

Chanel Meyers, Ph.D.

Lab Director

I am an assistant professor of psychology at University of Oregon. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa in Social Psychology. Born and raised in Hawai‘i, I became interested in how racial diversity impacts how we deal with race. As a multiracial individual who has lived in Hawai‘i, Toronto, Washington, and now Oregon, I am interested in how our identity interacts with our context. Outside of the lab you can find me and my partner biking around town with our dog Gungi strapped into a backpack or basket. Always looking for the next best thing to eat and drink! My hobbies include cooking, reviewing instant ramens, board games, and trash reality TV.

Email: chanelm@uoregon | CV

Marcus Cumberbatch

Graduate Student

I am a second-year PhD student within the Social-Personality area of the University of Oregon’s Psychology Doctoral Program. I received my B.A. in Psychology from the University of South Florida, where I also worked as a Research Associate in USF’s Judgment and Decision Making Lab. I also hold degrees in business, and design. Having lived in various parts of the U.S. along with having strong ties to my Caribbean heritage, I am interested and the ways in which language, communication, meaning, and context may inform our cognitive and perceptual processing of diversity, and related social issues. Outside of our work in the DSC Lab, I enjoy quality time with family, cultural events, art and science museums, designing and creating in various mediums, playing tennis, learning music theory as well as improvisation, and reading about history, philosophy, politics, law, and the sciences.


Gretchen Nihill

Graduate Student

I am a doctoral student at University of Oregon. I received a B.A in Psychology and Cultural Studies from Indiana University Bloomington. Outside of school I enjoy traveling, cooking, and learning different languages. I am interested in how culture and context affect perceptions of racial diversity.


Isabella (Izzy) Crame

Graduate Student

I am a first year PhD student in the DSC lab at the University of Oregon’s Psychology Department. I received a B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from Cornell University, where I worked in the Social Perception and Intergroup (In)Equality Lab. As a person who occupies multiple minoritized identities, I am interested in how the intersection of various minority identities changes how one understands themselves and their relationships with others. I explore topics such as racial identity formation, identity salience in multiple minority individuals, and minority community relationships. Outside of school, I love to cook, dance, be bad at crafts, and watch movies with homemade popcorn.


Luke Herder

Research Assistant

My name is Luke Herder, and I am currently an undergraduate psychology student at the University of Oregon. During my time at the DSC lab, I am looking into how identity interacts with feelings of social belonging/well being and how one or more minority identities affects those feelings. Outside of school, I love to spend my free time cooking, running, hiking, exploring, or volunteering.


Kaytlyn Kojima

Research Assistant

I am a second-year student at the University of Oregon pursuing my B.S. of Psychology. I was born and raised on Oahu, which exposed me to many different cultures, languages, and identities. I am interested in the cognitive processes behind generational trauma, the perception of race, and how our identities shape the way we exist in society. Outside of school, I love spending time with my family and friends, cooking, crocheting, and going to the beach.


Samara Walker

Research Assistant

I am a fourth-year undergraduate student at the University of Oregon. I am originally from a small town in Northeast Georgia. I am studying Psychology with minors in Black Studies, Criminology, and Sports Business. My interests lie in how students with marginalized identities perceive their college campuses. I am interested in this specific age group because I plan to become a sports psychologist. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, Netflix documentaries, concerts, and watching sports.


Asia Le

Research Assistant

My name is Asia Le, and I am a fourth-year student at the University of Oregon. I am pursuing a BS in Psychology and minoring in Computer Science. I am from Salt Lake City, Utah, and as a queer woman of color faced a multitude of challenges related to my identity. I am interested in intersectionality and what it has to do with psychology. I am passionate about the interactions between the study of psychology and computer science. Outside of school, I like to spend time with my wonderful girlfriend, read, travel, and play Zelda.


Kyrie Taylor

Research Assistant

I am a 3rd year undergraduate senior at the University of Oregon pursuing my B.S. in psychology. I am originally from Las Vegas. My interest are how marginalized identities are perceived through a intersectional lens and how that interacts with a persons understanding of their own identity. Outside of school I love watching movies, crocheting, and trying new recipes.


Galadriel aka "El"

Lab Mascot

Galadriel's favorite things to do are snoozing, playing with toys, and walks. She can be bribed with a nice treat!

El is a key part of the lab culture and brings joy to the lab members every time she comes in!

You can follow her on instagram @ggshiba



In Memoriam

Our loving lab mascot passed peacefully this summer. We remember Gungi with joy and celebration.

Gungi’s favorite past times included sleeping, sitting on laps, and begging for treats.

He provided the lab with moral support, which was an immeasurable contribution. 

Lab Alumni

Jenny Kim (MPH at University of Washington)

Nick Young

Phoebe Brock-Dolas

Ali Rodriguez

Abby Malzewski

Brandon Martinez Serrano

Nasser Guelleh

Kris Outlaw

Lhamo Sherpa Bhote

Devi Payne

Rony Peguero